BBC radio drama inspired by Strathclyde Mediation Clinic
A new BBC radio drama was inspired by a visit to Strathclyde Mediation Clinic.
Clare Glynn from Hopscotch Films visited the clinic early last year, interviewing mediators and observing two mediations referred by Glasgow Sheriff Court, in preparation for their drama Mediation.
The clinic provides pro bono mediation in sheriff courts across west central Scotland including in Glasgow, Paisley, Falkirk and Kilmarnock.
Last year it was nominated in the Scottish Legal Awards and mentioned in Scottish Mediation’s Expert Group report Bringing Mediation into the Mainstream in Civil Justice in Scotland.
Clinic director Charlie Irvine told Scottish Legal News: “We’re delighted that Radio Four is featuring this little understood aspect of the justice system.
“Our volunteer mediators work closely with sheriffs to make the principles of simple procedure a reality, helping parties reach mutually agreeable settlements on terms they have chosen.”