Cheesemakers drop legal action against food watchdog as guidelines change

Artisan cheesemakers have dropped legal action against a food watchdog over safety guidelines.
Producers, among them Errington Cheese, which defeated South Lanarkshire Council over safety rules and an order preventing the sale of its cheeses, sought judicial review of guidance standards produced by Food Standards Scotland (FSS).
The firms took issues with rules on the production of raw milk cheese, claiming the guidelines fell foul of EU guidance.
The action was brought by Errington, Isle of Mull Cheese, Galloway Farmhouse Cheese, Cambus O’May Cheese and Finlay’s Farm Limited.
Yesterday, however, counsel for the firms, Aidan O’Neill QC, told Lord Pentland that his clients were dropping the action.
He said the guidelines had been changed and no longer breached EU law.
“The purpose of the petition has been achieved. The matter should be dismissed,” he said.
Christine O’Neill, for the FSS, said her client was content with the case coming to an end.