Liz Wilson

Elizabeth May Wilson has passed away at the age of 73.

One of Scotland’s youngest ever solicitors, she became a tribunal chairwoman, as well as a tutor at Dundee University and a professional reflexologist.

Ms Wilson was born in London to Scottish parents and was raised in Wishaw. She gained her LLB at Glasgow University in 1966, at the age of only 19.

As she was too young to begin practising she spent a year in America at DePaul University in Chicago studying psychology, politics and philosophy.

Upon her return, she was apprenticed with Glasgow Corporation and enrolled as a solicitor in October 1969. In 1971 she joined a Wishaw law firm before setting up her own business.

Following other roles, she and her close friend Professor Fiona E Raitt, founded Dundee law firm Wilson and Raitt, which they were partners of between 1985 and 1990.

As a professional reflexologist between 1996 and 2016 she dealt with clients who were close to death, bereaved or who had mental or physical health issues.

She was appointed a convenor member of Mental Health Tribunals for Scotland in 2004 and retired from there in 2016.

Her style was described as “quiet, effective and commanding”.

As a Buddhist, Ms Wilson visited Nepal to see projects to build schools as well as temples and hospitals, having made a commitment to raise money for the Stupa Project for World Peace.

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