Mackinnon reaches new Optimum as it bids farewell to eponymous clerk

Banny Mackinnon
In 1987 mobile ‘phones were the preserve of stockbrokers, laptop computers an idea on Tomorrow’s World, video conferencing a Star Trek fantasy, and fax machines a modern mystery. In those primitive times, advocates depended on a Filofax, phone cards, and their clerk.
And so it was on 1 June 1987 that a fresh-faced Bannatyne William Mackinnon entered 31 years of service with Faculty, initially as deputy to Douglas Neave, and for the last 28 years clerk of his eponymous stable. In those 31 years, the role of clerk has evolved beyond 1980s imagination.
In his early days, Banny depended on pagers to contact advocates in the hope they might call him from one of the three payphones at Saltmarket.
Papers bound in pink ribbon would be sent by Rutland Exchange from Edinburgh to Glasgow, and agents wouldn’t have dared to contact counsel directly.
In embracing change, Banny recognised the needs of both his membership and solicitors, and in 2007 pioneered the concept of basing a stable in Glasgow. In so doing, he transformed his creation from small to one of Faculty’s largest stables, and from criminal defence to a one-stop-shop offering a wide spectrum of disciplines amongst his membership.

Angela Bath
But just as BT no longer offer phone cards, Banny has decided to move on, and into his well-earned retirement.
As an old-school clerk, Banny enjoyed the unquestioning respect and loyalty of his counsel, and was available to all his members – to guide, to assist, to serve, but above all to provide a wisdom honed over so many years.
But as his colleagues bid farewell to Banny, they are conscious that there cannot be a Mackinnon Stable without a Mackinnon.
Thankfully Banny has created – in his now former deputy – a clerk of equal calibre, and it is from today that Banny’s former membership will enjoy Angela Bath as their clerk under the new brand of Optimum Advocates.
In bidding a sad farewell to Banny, Optimum Advocates wish him a long and fulfilling retirement and will seek to ensure that they can continue the project he started all those years ago.