2021 census to include questions on transgender status

Fiona Hyslop
Scotland’s next census will include new questions on sexual orientation as well as transgender status.
Proposals for the 2021 census were detailed in ‘Plans for Scotland’s Census 2021’, published by National Records of Scotland.
The report provides details of consultation responses and other relevant material which will shape the census questions.
Scottish Trans Alliance welcomed the proposals.
A spokesman said: “It is important that with the sex question that everyone feels comfortable to answer, to be true to themselves.”
But the Rev David Robertson, former moderator of the Free Church of Scotland, said: “The Scottish government has continued to give in to the current gender madness based upon unproven and unscientific philosophy.
“There is a tiny group who are intersex - which is an exception - but exceptions make bad rules.
“There is no scientific evidence for this bizarre view and it is disappointing that the Scottish government is giving in to this agenda.”
Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: “For more than 200 years, Scotland has relied on the census to underpin national and local decision making. The census is the only complete source of whole population information about Scotland.
“By encouraging and assisting people to complete their census online, and asking questions which reflect a modern, inclusive Scotland, these proposals ensure the census will continue to be a vital source of information for decades to come.”
Anne Slater, Registrar General for Scotland, said: “The publication of ‘Plans for Scotland’s Census 2021’ is a major milestone in delivering a successful census. These proposals have been developed based on robust research and testing and we have consulted many people and organisations to take full account of Scotland’s diverse population.”