Councils could have power to refuse pub applications under proposed bill

Michael Matheson

Councils could soon be able to refuse applications for new pubs, hire cars and lap dancers on the grounds there are too many in their area.

Under the Air Weapons and Licensing (Scotland) Bill, debated in Holyrood yesterday pub owners would also require to prove they are fit to run a premises.

Communities will have more of a say on the opening of strip clubs while councils will be able to decide whether there are too many private hire cars in their area.

The bill will also create new regulations for scrap-metal dealers in a bid to reduce theft.

Central to the bill, however, is the licensing of air weapons, which the justice secretary Michael Matheson said has been an SNP priority for some time.

But Labour MSP Alex Rowley expressed concern about the “pick-and-mix” nature of the bill, which aims to amend the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.

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