Aamer Anwar – an apology

Aamer Anwar – an apology

On Wednesday Scottish Legal News published a reader’s letter which suggested that solicitor Aamer Anwar had made a statement to the Sheku Bayoh Inquiry in a capacity other than that of a witness.

That is inaccurate and untrue. Scottish Legal News apologises unreservedly for any nuisance or distress caused to Mr Anwar or his clients, the family of Sheku Bayoh.

In fact, Mr Anwar was a witness to the inquiry when he gave evidence. When this was drawn to our attention, the offending letter was promptly removed. 

For the sake of clarity, the inquiry has provided the following statement, which we are pleased to publish:

“Aamer Anwar was a witness at the Sheku Bayoh Inquiry. He was required by the chair to give evidence in accordance with section 21 of the Inquiries Act 2005. The inquiry’s terms of reference include establishing the circumstances of the death of Sheku Bayoh, and establishing the extent (if any) to which the events leading up to and following his death were affected by his actual or perceived race. Mr Anwar was called to give evidence of his lived experience of representing the families of a black man who died in police custody and the professional and personal impact on him; and to provide evidence on certain events that occurred during the post incident phase.”

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