Aberdeen joins rebellion against juryless trials

Aberdeen joins rebellion against juryless trials

The rebellion against the Scottish government’s plans for juryless trials in rape cases has intensified, with lawyers in Aberdeen joining the boycott.

Bar associations in Edinburgh and Glasgow have already declared that their members will not participate in the pilot scheme proposed by the Scottish government in the Victims, Witnesses And Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill.

As the pilot can only proceed with the accused’s consent, it currently looks untenable.

Ian Woodward-Nutt, the vice-president of Aberdeen Bar Association, described the proposals as “deeply troubling” and stated that defence lawyers in Aberdeen and northeastern Scotland would not accept instructions in cases proceeding under the pilot.

He told The Herald: “It is essential to understand that in many rape cases it is hard for the prosecution to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt.

“That is not due to some deficiency in the system that requires to be rectified, rather it is the inevitable consequence of the background circumstances in cases of this type.

“For the government to consider it appropriate to attempt to engineer higher conviction rates and for them to try to do so by removing the essential safeguard of trial before a jury is deeply troubling.

“That is why defence lawyers in Aberdeen and the north-east of Scotland have declared they will not accept instructions in cases proceeding by way of this experimental scheme.”

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