Aberdeen law graduate Hanifi Baris faces life imprisonment for social media posts
Aberdeen law graduate Hanifi Baris faces life imprisonment for the second time in less than a year, The Press and Journal reports.
On 4th July 2018 he was arrested in Istanbul and charged with “posting items of criminal content” on his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Mr Baris graduated from Aberdeen University’s Centre of Citizenship, Civil Society and Rule of Law with a PhD in 2017.
He has been notified of a new case opened against him at the end of last month, over a charge of “insulting the Turkish President” through his social media posts.
The first hearing will be held on October 8, at the Bakırköy Courthouse in Istanbul.
A spokesman for the charity Front Line Defenders, which protects human rights activists at risk, said: “Front Line Defenders expresses concern about the ongoing judicial harassment against Hanifi Barıs, as it is believed to be solely motivated by his exercise of the right to freedom of expression and his peaceful activities in defence of human rights.”