Aberdeen Law Project obtains four-figure sum for client

Aberdeen Law Project obtains four-figure sum for client

Amy Gossner

The Aberdeen Law Project (ALP) has successfully obtained a four-figure sum for a client through a simple procedure application to the Sheriff Court.

Prior to ALP’s engagement in the matter, the client had paid a deposit for solar panels that the company failed to install. The client had attempted to reconcile the issue without legal proceedings and when this was unsuccessful attempted court actions.

Lead advisor Amy Gossner and the team at ALP applied to the Sheriff Court on behalf of the client and successfully argued for the return of the client’s deposit with interest.

The client said: “I owe a great thanks to the Aberdeen Law Project, Amy and her team for resolving this matter for me. Always keeping me up to date with the communications from the respondent and vice a versa and chasing up the respondent when they became a bit lax on my behalf.

“If I was to rate the service I received from the Aberdeen Law Project on a five-star rating system, they would get five stars from me, and I wish them all the best in their legal studies and career.”

Ms Gossner said: “I am delighted to have been able to assist the client with this issue. I would like to thank everyone at the ALP who helped make sure this case was a successful outcome for the client. This case exemplified the positive impact ALP can have on people in our community.”

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