Aberdeen Law Project recognised by Supreme Court President

Lady Hale
The Aberdeen Law Project (ALP) has received a letter from the President of the Supreme Court on the occasion of its tenth anniversary.
Lady Hale congratulated ALP on the milestone and said: “What you have achieved in improving access to justice in Scotland through the provision of advice, representation, and education is really very impressive. That yours is a project founded, led and operated by students, who have sustained and developed it over ten years is even more remarkable.”
ALP has in its ten years of operation processed thousands of enquiries, represented hundreds of clients, changed the law, given evidence in Parliament and educated thousands of pupils, students and prisoners on the law.
Martyna Proczek, student director, said: “The student team and our supervisors work so hard. To see this work described by Lady Hale as ‘exemplary’ is just utterly amazing; we’re on cloud nine!”