Aberdeen man admits drug-fuelled bus joyride

Aberdeen man admits drug-fuelled bus joyride

An Aberdeen man who admitted taking a bus for a drug-fuelled joyride has been sentenced to prison for 33 months.

Hans Reid, 26, told Aberdeen Sheriff Court that he took the Stagecoach vehicle from Aberdeen’s main bus station in May.

A video seen by the court, which has been published on YouTube, showed Mr Reid driving the bus through Aberdeen city centre with several police cars in pursuit.

Mr Reid told the court he intended to board the bus to Aboyne as a passenger, but spotted keys in the ignition and decided to drive to his destination instead.

He faced nine charges after the incident, including stealing the bus, driving it under the influence of drink of drugs, and doing so without a license or insurance.

Sheriff Kenneth Stewart sentenced Mr Reid to 33 months in prison and banned him from driving for five years.

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