Aberdeen Student Law Review issues call for submissions

Pictured: Christiana H. Cameron and Syed M. Humaid Adil
The Aberdeen Student Law Review has issued a call for submissions.
It is now accepting submissions for Volume XIII – due to be published later this year.
The review is open to current University of Aberdeen students of the LLB, LLM, LLD, DPLP and Legal Studies degrees, as well as alumni of the same programs.
The following types of article are welcome:
- Full research papers (~4,000 - 10,000 words)
- Short articles (~1,500 - 4,000 words)
- Case commentaries (~1,000 - 2,000 words)
- Book reviews (~500 - 1,500 words)
The law review’s new co-editors-in-chief, Christiana H. Cameron and Syed M. Humaid Adil, said: “The Aberdeen Student Law Review was founded on the belief that writing about the law is just as important as reading about it or discussing it. It forces us to research extensively, broadening our legal minds, and encouraging us to think about the other sides to an argument. It is what lawyers from the University of Aberdeen have been doing since 1495 and it is what we hope the next generation of lawyers will continue to do.
“In compiling each volume of the ASLR, we aim to include articles on a broad range of legal subjects. We hope that the mix of different articles will demonstrate the enormous range of subjects taught and researched at our ancient university. We are grateful to everyone who submit their work for consideration, and to our successful contributors (both past, present and future) we offer many congratulations.”
The deadline for submissions is Monday 4 March 2024. They should be sent to aslr@abdn.ac.uk.