Aberdeen students launch latest law review

Mitchell Skilling
The latest edition of the Aberdeen Student Law Review has been launched.
The ninth volume of the journal covers the following issues:
- Is the law in relation to negligence of the police satisfactory? by Scott Mackie
- Corporate homicide/manslaughter: symbolic or purely instrumental? by Sophie Hofford
- The future of the Natura 2000 network in post-Brexit Britain by Bettina Kleining
- Are refugees awarded sufficient protections under human rights law? by Borys Biedron
Lead editor Mitchell Skilling told Scottish Legal News: “I am immensely proud of all the work done by the authors, editors and peer reviewers, as well as to our sponsors Stronachs LLP, for Volume 9 of the ASLR.
“All of the articles make for engaging reading, and I would particularly recommend Scott Mackie’s excellent article on police negligence.”