Aileen Smith

Aileen Smith

Solicitor Aileen Smith has passed away at the age of 68, The Courier reports.

Mrs Smith was formerly principal solicitor for Dundee City Council and was one of the lawyers behind the city’s early waterfront regeneration.

She was also responsible for the burial of Dundee’s destitute dead and would go to great lengths to find out if they had any faith in order to ensure they received the appropriate funeral.

Mrs Smith was involved in the complex land acquisition issues at Dundee Waterfront and became an expert in deciphering historical title deeds of the new area. Her efforts laid the groundwork for the current redevelopment, including the V&A.

Born in May 1953, she went to Ancrum Road Primary School before attending Dundee High School. She took the LLB at Edinburgh University between 1970 and 1974, graduating with a first. Having trained with Dundee City Council, she qualified in 1976.

She married Douglas Smith in 1980 with whom she had two daughters: Katherine and May.

In her early 50s, she was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease and took early retirement. Adapting to the condition, however, she became involved in a local Alzheimer’s group and attended art classes and outings.

As her condition progressed she required full-time care, which was provided by Tigh Na Muirn care home in Monifieth, where she lived for her last seven-and-a-half years.

Her daughter Katherine, also a solicitor, said: “Mum was a great lover of the arts, music, history and enjoyed curling.”

A Justgiving page has been set up to raise money for Alzheimer Scotland.

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