Alcohol advertising to be restricted under plans

Alcohol advertising to be restricted under plans

Maree Todd

Alcohol companies could face tighter restrictions on advertising in order to protect vulnerable people under new Scottish government proposals set out today.

The public’s views are being sought on plans to restrict adverts for alcohol at sporting events, on buses, and online and elsewhere to reduce the appeal of alcohol and improve the nation’s health.

The proposals have been informed by the Children’s Parliament and the Young Scot Health Panel and follow the introduction of minimum unit pricing (MUP), which the government says has already reduced purchases of cheaper, more potent alcoholic drinks.

The public consultation, which will run until 9 March 2023, is in line with the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recommended approach to comprehensively restrict exposure to alcohol marketing, the government says.

Public health minister Maree Todd said: “There is clear evidence that adverts which glamorise drinking can encourage young people to drink alcohol and have a detrimental impact on those in recovery from problem alcohol use.

“We are making progress already – with our minimum unit pricing reducing alcohol sales in the off-trade – but with 1,245 alcohol related deaths last year we know that more needs to be done if we are to tackle Scotland’s problematic relationship with alcohol.

“This consultation is an important step in doing that, and I am extremely grateful for the young voices who have helped us get this far.”

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