Ampersand Advocates launches electronic instruction pilot

Ampersand Advocates launches electronic instruction pilot

As we emerge from restrictions and start looking towards post-pandemic ways of working, Ampersand has launched an ambitious pilot to instruct their advocates and alternative dispute practitioners electronically.

In March 2020, electronic instructions became the norm, whenever possible. More than a year later, this way of working has continued. To improve the experience for all, Ampersand has proactively sought the views of members and instructing firms and has identified that most counsel and solicitors expect counsel’s instructions to continue to be delivered electronically.

With this in mind, Ampersand has agreed a three month pilot with class-leading legal case preparation and presentation software provider ‘HyperLaw’. HyperLaw has tailored the product to Ampersand’s needs and it will allow Ampersand’s members and Clerking team to provide instructing agents with a long term and viable solution to progressive instruction of counsel which is secure, easy to use, offers collaboration with the whole legal team, provides a competitive edge and is cost-effective.

Ampersand’s head clerk, Alan Moffat, said: “I am proud to be leading Ampersand through what I believe to be a significant step supporting our instructing agents and members in the next stage of the digital revolution of instructing counsel. Finding a long term solution now is key. It is clear that electronic papers and productions are here to stay in one shape or another.

“I expect this initiative to help open up the narrative of digital post-pandemic ways of working, as well as on best practice and working in collaboration with the profession – something Ampersand has always had at its heart. We would be delighted to receive feedback during the process so that the product meets the needs of everyone who is using it.”

Ampersand’s stable director, Susanne Tanner QC, added: “I am delighted to support the introduction of the HyperLaw product for the benefit to our members, clerks and instructing agents. It is very easy to use and will allow the safe transfer and storage of instructions, with those instructing counsel able to upload instructions directly or send them to the clerking team for upload.

“Following the pilot, we plan to extend the availability of the product to all of Ampersand’s areas of practice, including our extensive Alternative Dispute Resolution offering. The platform will provide a straightforward link with our mediators and arbitrators and an easy way to upload instructions, consistent with providing a user friendly and efficient resolution platform.”

To find out more about this service and how you can instruct members of Ampersand, please contact the Ampersand Clerking Team.

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