Ampersand Summer Clinical Negligence conference 2018

Ampersand is delighted to confirm the date of our all day Summer Clinical Negligence conference this year will be 18th June 2018, to be held at the Raddison Blu Hotel in Edinburgh.
Chaired by Douglas Ross QC the speakers and topics are:
• Dr Myles Connor, consultant neurologist
“The role of the neurologist in functional neurological disorders”
• Dr Dan Rutherford, GP
“5 minutes more - is safe practice sustainable?”
• Una Doherty, advocate
“The withdrawal of life support treatment and the courts”
• Isla Davie, advocate
“Case law update - focussing on the Mesh Debate decision”
• Fiona Drysdale, advocate
“Implications of the Bawa-Garba case”
• Professor Pat Price, Oncologist
“Causation issues in delay in diagnosis of cancer cases”
• Panel Discussion with Douglas Ross QC, Professor Pat Price & Dr Myles Connor
As part of our commitment to this area of practice there is no charge for practitioners attending this event.
To register, please visit the Ampersand Advocates website here.
Numbers are strictly limited, allocated on a first come first serve basis.
This conference qualifies for 5hrs of CPD for the Law Society of Scotland and Faculty of Advocates . APIL Accredited.