And finally… bronze star

A three-foot-long bronze sword stolen from a century-old statue more than four decades ago has been returned with apologies.

Historical authorities in the town of Westfield, Massachusetts announced that General William Shepard, a hero of the US revolutionary war, would finally be reunited with his original sword, which went missing in 1980.

The bashful thief contacted the town’s historical commission and explained that he and his college friends had stolen it as a prank after a night of heavy drinking, The Springfield Republican reports.

Cindy P. Gaylord, chair of the commission, said: “He said it was just brute strength, telling me, ‘I just yanked the thing off.’ He said he pulled it with such force that he fell backwards off the pedestal with the sword in his hand.”

The man – who has not come forward publicly – immediately regretted his actions. Ms Gaylord said: “He told me, ‘I was so filled with remorse and shame. Here I am, a decorated veteran, and I’ve done this to another veteran.’”

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