And finally… cops on the ropes

It took seven police officers in Ukraine to restrain a former Olympic wrestler as he resisted arrest for drink driving.

Vyacheslav Oliynyk, 50, who won gold for the country in 1986, was undeterred by pepper spray and batons as he dispatched the officers in Kiev.

After being beaten, and despite bleeding heavily, Oliynyk launched a counterattack against the police.

It finally took seven officers to get a hold of the Olympian, who was still able to prevent them from handcuffing him when he was on the ground.

He later said he expects a rematch – in a court room.

Speaking to local newspaper Vesti, he said: “I admit I was partially guilty, I can’t tell you the whole thing. I’m partly guilty because I did not stop and I was ignoring the police.

“But I am not a criminal. As far as I can see there will be a court hearings and they will punish me somehow.

“The police let me go home on the same day.”

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