And finally… great-grandmothers ram would-be mugger down in mobility scooters

A 92-year-old woman saved her 75-year-old friend from a mugger by ramming into him with her mobility scooter.

Eileen Mason and Margaret Seabrook were returning from their lunch club meeting in Swindon, Wiltshire, when a man appeared from behind a fence.

He attempted to steal Mrs Seabrook’s scooter basket before going for Mrs Mason’s carrier bag.

But the would-be mugger was to regret his decision as Mrs Mason shouted “Oh, no you don’t” and slammed the accelerator.

The attacker was knocked down as the pair sped off.

Speaking after the event the pair, both of whom are great-grandmothers, said they had refused to be brought down by the “weasel”.

Mrs Mason, 92, said it was “a bit of a blur” and all she remembered was knocking the attacker down.

Mrs Mason, who has four children, ten grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren, said: “I saw him look into my basket and I said; ‘Oh no you don’t!’, really loudly.

“I put my scooter into accelerate and turned really fast. The next thing I know he was on the floor. I thought ‘my gosh’.

“He came from over my shoulder, caught my arm and pulled me back.

“When he came round the second time, I slammed down on the speed so the scooter went up on to the grass, and when the back end came round it knocked him down.”

Mrs Seabrook, 75, who has three children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, added: “We came around the corner and he was just stood there by the fence.

“He didn’t look right. He had a white baseball cap on his head back to front, which isn’t the right way to wear it, and black eyes.

“I heard Eileen shout so I swung around and all I saw was him on the floor. I didn’t see his face after that because he ran away so fast.”

Mrs Seabrook added: “We went through the war and all the bombings. We won’t let a weasel like that hold us back.”

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