And finally… house rules

A judge has told a man running a sex club that he may continue organising group sex parties but should not refer to them as club activities.

Calgary man Matthew Mills was ordered in 2019 to cease hosting sex parties with $30 CAD tickets (around €20 or £17.50) at his home following complaints from his neighbours.

He was told that planning laws prohibit the use of residential properties for the activities of social organisations such as clubs without prior permission.

Mills challenged the order in court, with his lawyer Brendan Miller arguing that “land-use planning [law] has no place in the bedrooms of the nation”, the Calgary Herald reports.

A judge appeared to agree, ruling that Mills can continue to host sex parties at his home as long as he does not brand them as ‘Club Ménage’ events, according to CBC.

The law does not affect Mills’ “ability to host private parties or allow his guests to engage in ethically non-monogamous activities,” Justice Nick Devlin said.

“Rather, it prohibits him from using a single-family home in a residential neighbourhood as a clubhouse.”

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