And finally… it’s alive!

Police responding to bloodcurdling screams coming from an old barn discovered it was being used by a theatre group to rehearse a production of Frankenstein.

The Bradfordians Dramatic Society was interrupted by Wiltshire Police while rehearsing a stage adaptation of Mary Shelley’s famous 19th-century gothic novel, the BBC reports.

The force was called just before 10pm after “screaming was heard coming from inside” the 14th century Tithe Barn in Bradford-on-Avon.

“We’d like to thank the member of the public who did the right thing by reporting this information so we could ensure nobody was at risk of harm,” the force said afterwards.

Andrew Morrison, director of the Bradfordians Dramatic Society, said: “I felt a bit guilty actually, because it can’t have been much fun for [the concerned members of the public].

“But they were really good about it and they saw the funny side almost immediately.”

The drama society said it will notify police in advance of future rehearsals.

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