And finally… Jakartans take a toke from police’s pot smoke and drive-through drive-by

Police in Indonesia inadvertently got the residents of West Jakarta high after they lit up a three-tonne pile of marijuana the Jakarta Post reports.

Palmerha police set the 3.3 tonne heap on fire outside of their office creating a giant pot cloud which dispersed itself in the vicinity of the police station.

Residents reported feeling dizzy and getting headaches after being surrounded by the fumes.

The police had anticipated the potent fumes and were equipped with gas masks but had not considered the general public.

“I got a headache because I wasn’t wearing a mask,” said one resident.

Others reported the overwhelmingly strong and tangy smell of marijuana in the air.

The pot haul was destroyed along with 1.8kg of crystal meth as well as over 2,500 ecstasy pills, which the police blended together.

A woman in Michigan faces up to seven years in prison after she was convicted of multiple charges for shooting up a McDonald’s drive-through because staff forgot to include bacon in her cheeseburger.

Shaneka Monique Torres, 30, ordered a bacon cheeseburger from the McDonald’s but it was given to her without the bacon.

After complaining to the manager she was offered a free burger.

At 3 a.m. the next day Ms Torres returned to the fastfood outlet to order another cheeseburger.

However, this one also came without bacon.

Unable to contain her rage, Ms Torres verbally abused staff before firing a bullet into the restaurant. No one was hurt.

She was arrested at her home half an hour later.

John Beason, defending, said she fired the gun accidentally and that there was no relation between that act and the absence of bacon in her burger.

However, the jury deliberated for an hour and found her guilty of various charges, she will be sentenced next month.

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