And finally… mum gets up visitor’s nose

A woman has expressed her disgust after a guest at her house snorted the ashes of her dead mother The Courier reports.

Visitors to Jacqui Tierney’s house in the Hilltown area of Dundee were stunned by the bizarre act.

One family friend said he could not believe what the female guest had done.

He said: “I was shocked and disgusted.

“We had all been drinking and she just seemed to think it was fun and was showing off about it.

“This is the lowest of the low. It’s worse than jumping on somebody’s grave.

“It’s so disrespectful to the memory of someone’s mum and gran and I can’t believe it happened.”

Hilda Tierney’s ashes had been in an urn in the living room.

The friend told Ms Tierney, 51, what the woman had done to her mother’s ashes, leaving her aghast.

She said: “How could someone do something like this? It is beyond belief that this happened in my own home.

“Seemingly, she just took the ashes from the top of my unit and started snorting them. My friend witnessed the whole thing and decided I should be told.

“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. What would make someone do something like that?

“My mum meant the world to me and, apart from anything else, how could someone do something so disrespectful?”

However, upon being challenged about the act, Ms Tierney said the guest ran away.

She said: “I decided to challenge this person about what they had done but she ran away, out of my house, and I haven’t seen her since.

“She has tried to contact me by phone but I am still too angry to take her call.

“I don’t know what I would say to her but I know she will never set foot in this house again.”

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