And finally… no free lunch

A criminal defence lawyer who repeatedly made off without paying her restaurant bills has been struck off.

English solicitor Kerry Ann Stevens was convicted of fraud last year in connection with two incidents, one where she left a restaurant with an unpaid £60.91 bill and another where she lied to a delivery driver and said she had already paid online for a £43.47 takeaway.

In the case of the restaurant, she left behind her phone number and passport and promised to return to settle up – but never did. When the restaurant called the police, Stevens told them that what she had left behind was worth more than what she owed.

In the takeaway scam, Stevens took the food and slammed the door shut on the delivery driver while he was confirming with the restaurant whether she had paid or not. The cost of the takeaway was ultimately taken out of his wages.

The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) said Stevens’ conduct was “premeditated and deliberate” with “no mitigating factors”.

She was struck-off and ordered to pay £4,489 in costs.

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