And finally… numpty

And finally... numpty

A police sergeant who sued for discrimination because his boss called him a “numpty” has failed at the Employment Tribunal.

Employment Judge Richard Nicolle ruled that being called a “numpty” is not discrimination.

Sonny Kalar, who had been with the Met for 30 years, said he was offended when Chief Insp Marlise Davies called him a “numpty” on two occasions. It was, however, used in a “lighthearted manner” said Judge Nicolle, who was sitting at London Central Employment Tribunal, and it did not amount to discrimination.

The term was first used in a play in 1733 as a “term of mocking endearment for a cuckolded husband”.

The claim made by Mr Kalar, who retired in June 2023, was one of 271. The judge described his approach as “scattergun”. All his claims were dismissed.

Judge Nicolle said: “We do not consider that the term ‘numpty’ has any racial or disability connotations in the context that it was used.”

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