And finally… OnlyJudges

Who said judges were out of touch with everyday life?
A member of the bench, among other things, has been fired after it was revealed he creates pornography on the adult website OnlyFans.
Gregory A. Locke, 33, served as an administrative law judge in New York City until he was sacked last week.
It was discovered that he had run an OnlyFans page – since 2020.
In his bio he said he was a “white collar professional by day… very unprofessional by night.”
He charges subscribers $12 a month on OnlyFans and $9.99 on JustFor.Fans. Dominic Ford, the founder of JustFor.Fans, said that the former judge “has the opportunity to be earning over $100,000 a year if he posted more content”.
His employment woes began when he said that a City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino should “choke on a dick” due to her criticism of the New York attorney general’s drag queen story hour for children.
Paladino made a complaint against Locke, after which “the floodgates opened and he was fired”.