And finally… police hunt serial splasher

Police in London are on the hunt for a driver who splashed an old lady by repeatedly driving through a puddle.

The driver of a Toyota 4x4 was filmed during the second drive-by splashing near the Kentish Town tube station in Camden.

Officers, who believe the driver could be charged with careless driving, have failed to track down the driver via the license plate, as the vehicle is not registered to anyone and has no insurance.

Police are now appealing for information from the public.

The woman who recorded the footage told Camden New Journal: “There was a little old lady next to me and this car came up really close to the kerb, splashing everyone.

“Then I saw him stop and I thought: ‘Oh my god, he’s going to do this again’, so I thought I’d take some footage.

“It might be fun for the driver, but I felt bad for this old lady, who was quite upset by it.”

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