And finally… shorts shrift

A man who appeared in court wearing shorts was warned he risked a jail sentence for contempt of court.

Darren Dixon apologised for his dress at Selkirk Sheriff Court where he appeared wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Following an admission of guilt from Mr Dixon that he had damaged a former partner’s computer, Sheriff Peter Paterson said: “If you turn up to court in shorts again you will be held in contempt of court.

“It is completely unacceptable.”

Mr Dixon had had a fight with his former girlfriend over a George Foreman grill. During the dispute Mr Dixon took her computer and smashed it on his knee before then throwing it out a window.

Graham Fraser, prosecuting, said: “They had been together for four years and their relationship can be described as up and down. There is no excuse for this behaviour.”

Ross Dow, defending, said the incident was “unsavoury” and Mr Dixon was fined £125.

The Scottish Courts Service’s website states: “Regardless of why you are attending court, it is best to be dressed smartly and relatively formally.”

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