And finally… spit take

And finally... spit take

An English politician has called for a “crackdown on spitting” in order to “Make Britain Vaguely Civilised Again”.

Neil O’Brien, a Conservative MP who previously advised prime minister Theresa May, set out his proposals for an “orderly and civilised society” in a blog post yesterday.

A crusade against spitting – “which is endemic in bits of London” – would, he said, “actually make a difference in people’s everyday lives”.

Mr O’Brien also called for a mass deployment of dedicated staff on all public transport to enforce a “national ban on playing music out loud”.

His other demands include a “galvanising national goal to reduce the amount of litter” and increased sentences for graffiti artists.

“I think the idea of doing things that would make Britain more orderly is just regarded as uncool, cringey or naff,” he admitted.

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