And finally… sticky fingers

And finally... sticky fingers

A former police officer has admitted stealing £2.50 from an arrestee to pay off a paltry debt at the police station tuck shop.

James Tillcock would have been sacked for gross misconduct had he not already resigned, Thames Valley Police (TVP) said following a misconduct hearing.

He admitted taking £2.50 in change while searching a vehicle following the arrest of the driver in June 2024, which was captured on his police bodycam.

When confronted, he told officers: “It’s alright, I know why you are here. I was very silly, I was in debt for £2 to the tuck shop and took £2.”

He added that he took the extra 50p in order to buy chocolate bars for his children.

The officer received a criminal caution for theft and quit the force earlier this month.

Thames Valley Police chief constable Jason Hogg said: “Although the amount of money stolen was very low the behaviour shows a propensity for dishonesty and the fact that the former police constable Tillcock is unable to meet the high professional standards expected of all police officers and staff.”

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