And finally… sting in the tail

A politician has been fined €10,000 (£8,600) for offering a wolf’s tail as a retirement present.

Jean-Marie Bernard, of France’s conservative Republican party, said the gift was a “friendly gesture” as well as a political act to support farmers whose livelihoods were endangered by wolves.

Wolves re-entered France from Italy in the early 1990s and have enjoyed protected status since 1993, resulting in a significant increase in their numbers, particularly in the Alps.

Mr Bernard is the president of the Hautes-Alpes departmental council. He gave the gift to the previous prefect and claims wolves are not endangered and do not need protection.

The Férus association, which safeguards the welfare of predators including wolves, bears and lynx, said: “We cannot be anything other than appalled to see this practice from another age in a developed, 21st-century country.”

Philippe Neuveu, lawyer for Mr Bernard, said: “I deplore this decision under the pressure of environmental extremist groups who are disconnected from the reality of the land.”

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