And finally… water into whine

And finally... water into whine

The UK’s broadcasting regulator has fined a religious TV channel for advertising “miracle water” that it implied could cure cancer and erase debt.

The Word Network, based in the US, was slapped with a £150,000 fine in relation to two episodes of the Peter Popoff Ministries, hosted by televangelist Peter Popoff.

Popoff invited viewers to order his “Miracle Spring Water” and shared a series of testimonials from happy customers.

These “included direct or strongly implied claims that direct contact with Peter Popoff or using the ‘Miracle Spring Water’ had cured congregation members’ and viewers’ loved ones of serious illnesses, including lung cancer and diabetes; improved their financial situation; or brought about their recovery from an addiction to drugs”.

The regulator said these claims “went beyond proclamations of faith and religious teachings and practice”.

In addition to the £150,000 fine, The Word Network was directed not to repeat the programmes and to broadcast a statement of Ofcom’s findings against it.

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