And finally… wave of the hand

Credit: Ulla Broholm, Yle
An untrained law student enjoyed the rare opportunity to conduct a 60-person orchestra following a social media appeal.
Ella Eroniemi, 22, responded to a post from Finnish national broadcaster Yle seeking a member of the public with no experience of conducting to try conducting the Radio Symphony Orchestra (RSO).
She was halfway through a co-operative law lecture at University of Helsinki Faculty of Law when she found out she had been chosen, Yle reports.
“I couldn’t hold back the joy and excitement, and I sat through the final lecture with a smile on my face,” she said.
Footage of Ms Eroniemi’s bold – and inevitably humorous – attempt to conduct Tchaikovsky’s Fourth Symphony has now been viewed millions of times on social media, including on TikTok.
She was given only a very brief orientation by the RSO’s chief conductor, Nicholas Collon – who subsequently showed her (and millions of others) how it’s done professionally.