And finally… wing and a prayer

Exorcism and prayer are among the most important tools used by police against drug gangs and criminals, Colombia’s top police official has said.
Flanked by crucifixes and other Catholic symbols decorating his office, police chief General Henry Sanabria told local media that he had “seen” and “felt” the devil.
Over the course of a bizarre press conference, General Sanabria said some criminals used witchcraft and police had only been able to kill one of these criminals by “praying while shooting”, CBS News reports.
He recounted another instance in which unarmed police were allegedly surrounded by hundreds of violent protesters, who left after he pulled out a crucifix.
Colombian president Gustavo Petro defended the police chief’s beliefs after they were criticised on social media.
Mr Petro said: “We know the beliefs of the general, but we try to make sure that these beliefs do not affect the rules, it is as simple as that. I think he has respected them, as far as we know.”