Aquaculture review underway

Aquaculture review underway

Mairi Gougeon

An independent review of how fish farms are regulated is underway in a move to make Scottish aquaculture legislation more effective.

Professor Russel Griggs OBE has been appointed to lead the first phase of the review.

Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “Aquaculture is a significant contributor to our rural economy, providing well paid jobs in some of Scotland’s most fragile communities and will be an essential part of our green recovery and transition to net zero.

“The industry also provides a source of home grown, nutritious low carbon protein that is enjoyed at home and abroad.

“However reports and parliamentary activity over the last few years have made clear that the regulatory landscape is contentious and there is a need for improved efficiency, effectiveness and transparency.”

“I am pleased to appoint Professor Griggs to this role as he brings extensive experience in better regulation from his role as chair of the independent Regulatory Review Group.”

Professor Griggs said: “I very much welcome the opportunity to lead this important review.

“Aquaculture plays a major role in maintaining sustainable rural communities and the economy as a whole and this review is both timely and necessary.

“The industry faces significant challenges and also has its critics, but I will approach this review with an open mind and engage with stakeholders from across the aquaculture spectrum.

“Only by doing this will we be able to deliver improvements in the regulatory landscape in the short-term and identify options for further reform in the longer term.”

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