Bill proposing a Scottish Pubs Code lodged at Holyrood

Bill proposing a Scottish Pubs Code lodged at Holyrood

A bill proposing a Scottish Pubs Code to govern the relationship between tenants and owners of tied pubs and to establish the office of Scottish Pubs Code Adjudicator has been introduced at Holyrood by Labour MSP Neil Bibby.

The proposal, which has won cross-party support, was also strongly supported in responses to a public consultation, with 93 per cent of respondees being in favour of it.

The code would operate on the principle of fair and lawful dealing and would aim to ensure no tied pub tenant is worse off than a pub that is free-of-tie.

Mr Bibby said: ”The bill will reset the relationship between tied licensees and their landlords, giving tied tenants in Scotland statutory protection for the first time. It will also make it easier to bring locally-brewed products into the tied pub sector, helping local economies and boosting sustainability, while also offering more choice to pub-goers.”

Colin Wilkinson, managing director of The Scottish Licensed Trade Association, said: ”Tenant licensees are in a very vulnerable position. The sector needs legislation in Scotland to ensure that pub tenants get a fair deal and that they are no worse off than a free-of-tie licensee.

“The only way to ensure Pubcos do not exploit their tenants is for the Scottish Government to introduce a robust code of conduct, which must be detailed, universal and comprehensive to avoid misinterpretations. There is also a need for an adjudicator to enforce that code and ensure that Pubcos are not exploiting tenants.”

CAMRA’s Scotland director Sarah Crawford said: “CAMRA is really pleased to see Neil Bibby’s Tied Pubs Bill being published today and are calling on all parties in the Parliament to support it.

“Many pubs in Scotland are struggling because pub companies are taking more than is fair from the profits of their tied tenants. This just isn’t fair to people running the pubs who are struggling to make a living, and is contributing to the loss of pubs across Scotland. It also impacts on the cost of a pint, and the availability of quality locally produced beers available in our locals.

“That’s why we desperately need a Pubs Code and Adjudicator for Scotland to regulate the relationship between pub companies and their tenants, so that pub goers and licensees can get a fair deal.”

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