Blog: #trademarkingthehashtag
With the rise of using social media for brand-recognition and brand-promotion purposes, many clients wonder if a logo or slogan that starts with or includes a “#” can be trademark-protected says Ben Bestgen .
Many companies are happy to create Twitter or Instagram profiles and start a thread, using the #-sign as a communication tool in a marketing campaign, though not always in the sense of seeing the # as part of a trademark.
However, looking at prominent hashtags like Nike’s #makeitcount, Wyke Farm’s online campaign surrounding #FreeCheeseFriday or the relatively recent trademark-applications by CocaCola for #cokecanpics and #smilewithacoke, companies are not always happy for people to indiscriminately hashtag and spread the brand’s slogans, products and logos online. This is especially true where the hashtag is being used to distribute misleading or offensive commentary about the brand.
Often the #-tagged slogans are used not just on the internet, but also on packaging and products, indicating the significance of the #-tagged slogan for the brand.
Given that companies like CocaCola or McDonald’s have significant numbers of followers on their social media feeds, the argument that a #-tagged slogan or logo can be highly distinctive and will be understood by consumers to directly identify the brand is persuasive. In such a case, seeking trademark protection can be a reasonable thing to do.
But looking into the law around this issue, there is surprisingly little authority for Europe or the UK involving the #, so it is worth gathering some key points of what we currently know:
On the enforcement side of things, it is worth noting that:
Currently it appears that applications for #-tagged slogans in the US seem more prevalent. It looks likely that further developments on this subject will be informed by US approaches to protection and infringement claims.
We currently are not aware of any significant UK or European caselaw relating to hashtags and trademark infringement, but it will certainly raise interest if such a matter should go to court. With the ever-increasing use of social media for advertising and the force that certain viral posts can have regarding brand-recognition, it sounds reasonable to assume that disputes for #-infringement are not too far away.