Brenda Mitchell: Major trauma and rebuilding shattered lives

Brenda Mitchell: Major trauma and rebuilding shattered lives

Brenda Mitchell

As part of Major Trauma Awareness Week, Brenda Mitchell highlights the role of personal injury lawyers.

Major trauma is defined as a serious injury that has the potential to cause long-term disability or death. Every year, thousands across the UK suffer major injuries in road traffic accidents (RTAs). Among the most vulnerable are motorcyclists, who are 16 times more likely to suffer serious injuries than car drivers. These injuries often include traumatic brain injury, spinal cord damage, and multiple fractures, with consequences that ripple through every aspect of life.

For many, the aftermath of trauma can feel as overwhelming as the injury itself. The road to recovery is frequently long, arduous, and filled with uncertainty. In addition to medical challenges, there’s often the burden of navigating a complicated legal landscape, securing financial compensation, and ensuring access to rehabilitation services. The Prime Minister, Keir Starmer, recently conceded that our NHS was broken but not beaten. Services are stretched and waiting lists lengthy. As such, there is limited access to NHS rehabilitation for those suffering physical and psychological trauma.

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) recently launched a new campaign called Rebuilding Shattered Lives. The campaign aims to alter the way people see personal injury lawyers and their clients. Sometimes, personal injury lawyers come under attack, fuelled by a misconception that compensation is in some way a windfall.

Where a client’s injuries are caused by another’s negligence in a road traffic collision, then a personal injury lawyer will often work closely the with motor insurer defending the claim to ensure the injured party has access to rehabilitation services which simply aren’t available on the NHS.

My experience is that by working together we can offer a lifeline to victims of negligence. This is the lifeline that rebuilds shattered lives, that offers a route to a return to work, or a chance at life post-accident.

As specialists representing vulnerable road users, especially motorcyclists, RTA LAW understands the unique needs of those who suffer catastrophic injuries on the road. Our solicitors are not just legal professionals, they are advocates for rebuilding lives and supporting clients at every step of their recovery. From coordinating medical care to ensuring financial security, our work extends far beyond the courtroom.

For those who have never faced such an event, it’s difficult to comprehend the scale of the challenge. A catastrophic injury doesn’t just affect the individual, it affects the wider family, it strains relationships and can create immense financial pressure.

No one should face such life-altering events alone. Day One Trauma Support, a dedicated charity, offers vital assistance to help rebuild lives following a traumatic injury. Their mission is one of hope, helping individuals and families come to terms with a new reality and providing them with practical and emotional tools to start over.

Major Trauma Awareness Week (16-22nd Sept) is an opportunity to shine a light on these issues. We must all recognise the urgent need for greater support for trauma survivors, from the moment they are injured through their entire recovery journey.

Those who suffer catastrophic injuries deserve to have the opportunity to rebuild their lives with dignity and hope. Those that represent them deserve to be recognised for the important role they play in helping to achieve this.

Brenda Mitchell is senior partner at RTA LAW LLP

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