Brodies team braves the Arctic to raise over £26,000 for Maggie’s Cancer Centres

Brodies team braves the Arctic to raise over £26,000 for Maggie’s Cancer Centres

A team of lawyers from Brodies LLP has raised over £26,000 for cancer support charity Maggie’s Centres by trekking 70km across the Arctic Circle.

The team of five – associates Jenni Guy and Jenna McCosh, senior solicitors Jackie McFarlane and Seonaid Cochrane and solicitor Naiomi Law from the firm’s real estate and litigation teams in Aberdeen and Glasgow – spent three days trekking in Finland, enduring temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celcius, while pulling their own equipment and sleeping in tents.

Ms Law said: “It was an amazing experience and the scenery was stunning; it felt like we were walking through Narnia a lot of the time. The trekking was harder than I had anticipated; the depth of the snow made it difficult to walk through.

“For me, camping in -30 degrees was one of the biggest challenges – we woke up with ice inside of our tents and anything damp quickly froze, including our walking boots. All in all, it was a once in a lifetime experience and one I will never forget.”

Nick Scott, Brodies’ managing partner, said: “Everyone at Brodies is incredibly proud of Jenni, Jackie, Jenna, Seonaid and Naiomi for volunteering for, and completing, this challenge.

“They set themselves an ambitious £15,000 fundraising target and so to beat it by over £10,000 is testament to their level of commitment. We’d like to thank everyone for their generosity and support throughout the Arctic Trek challenge; the money raised will go a long way in allowing Maggie’s to continue the good work it does with people whose lives are impacted by cancer.”

Maralyn Boyle, Maggie’s partnerships manager for Scotland, said: “I’d like to share a huge thank you to the Brodies Arctic Trek Team for taking on this unique challenge to raise vital funds for Maggie’s. Not only have they bravely conquered the frozen Arctic wilderness, but they have achieved an amazing amount of fundraising.

“Their efforts will allow us to continue to develop our unique, high quality programme of support to help people with cancer and their family and friends across Scotland. From everyone at Maggie’s, thank you Brodies Arctic Trekkers for all you are doing; helping Maggie’s help people with cancer live well.”

To make a donation visit the team’s JustGiving page

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