Caroline Stevenson joins Burness Paull

Caroline Stevenson
Financial services specialist Caroline Stevenson has joined Burness Paull as head of its dedicated FS regulatory team.
The firm has recruited Ms Stevenson to take advantage of a market in Scotland that has continued to perform strongly throughout the pandemic, but which is facing a new regulatory landscape post-Brexit.
Burness Paull advises many leading financial services businesses, including Standard Life Aberdeen, Royal London, Scottish Friendly, Aegon, Nucleus, Scottish Widows and Phoenix.
Peter Lawson, chair at Burness Paull, said: “Caroline comes with an outstanding track record, helping to set up Sainsbury’s Bank’s regulatory team and delivering innovative work from major institutions in private practice.
“She is an ambitious new addition who will lead a service line that builds on our traditional strengths in the financial services sector.
“The financial services industry is also being disrupted by new regulatory and technological developments, and we are committed to having the best possible support in place to meet the needs of clients as they adapt to these changes.”
Ms Stevenson said: “I am delighted to be joining Burness Paull as head of the financial services regulatory team.
“The firm is well known in Scotland for its financial services credentials and I look forward to adding to the success the team have already had. Burness Paull services an impressive client base and I hope to build new service lines into the firm’s offering through my own expertise and practice areas.”