Celtic to face multi-million pound claim in class action over child abuse

Celtic to face multi-million pound claim in class action over child abuse

The victims of historical abuse at Celtic Boys Club are to take legal action in one of the first cases of its kind in Scotland.

The class action case will see the club facing a claim of many millions of pounds in damages. There are around 25 people seeking damages from Celtic, which has said it was always separate from the now-defunct Boys Club.

A spokesman for the club said: “The club again expresses its sincere sympathy, regret and sorrow to those affected and reiterates that it will stand by its responsibilities, respecting the due process of the law.”

Group proceedings were introduced into Scots law last year. They allow groups of two or more people with the same, or similar, claims raise a single action in the Court of Session.

Thompsons Solicitors, which are acting for the victims, has appealed for others who have not previously made a claim to come forward.

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