Chief Constable under investigation over allegations of gross misconduct
The Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC) is investigating further allegations of gross misconduct about the Chief Constable, Philip Gormley.
Allegations of misconduct about Mr Gormley were forwarded to the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) on 4 September to allow the authority to conduct a preliminary assessment in terms of The Police Service of Scotland (Senior Officers) (Conduct) Regulations 2013.
On completion of that preliminary assessment by the SPA, the matter was referred to the PIRC on 8 September.
The commissioner has now determined that the allegations, if proved, would amount to gross misconduct and the Chief Constable was given notice on 8 September 2017 that the allegations will be investigated.
Once each investigation is concluded, the commissioner will submit a report to the SPA containing a summary of the evidence and providing an opinion on whether the misconduct allegations about the Chief Constable should be referred to a misconduct hearing.