Church of Scotland General Assembly asked to authorise legal committee study on same-sex marriages

Very Rev Professor Iain Torrance

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has been asked to authorise its Legal Questions Committee to undertake a further study on the legal implications of conducting same-sex marriages.

The latest report from the Theological Forum on human sexuality to come before the General Assembly has been published after it was leaked ahead of schedule.

The document will be considered by commissioners in Edinburgh next month.

In light of the report appearing in the national press, the Principal Clerk has authorised its immediate publication to allow commissioners, members of the church and members of the public to understand fully the content and context.

The General Assembly is being asked to consider two key issues.

  • Authorise the Legal Questions Committee to undertake a further study on the legal implications of conducting same-sex marriages and report back to the General Assembly in 2018.
  • Invite the Church to take stock of its history of discrimination at different levels and in different ways against gay people and to apologise individually and corporately and seek to do better.
  • In releasing the report the Convener of the Theological Forum, the Very Rev Professor Iain Torrance said: “The report addresses what has been a long running argument in all the churches.

    “In years past there has been an idea that in time one side in this argument would emerge as the sole victor.

    “We don’t think like that now.

    “That is why we are arguing for what, last year, the Forum called ‘constrained difference’.

    “This is saying that within limits we can make space for more than one approach.

    “It is closely similar to what the Archbishop of Canterbury calls ‘mutual flourishing’.

    “This is a centrist report, aimed at encouraging mutual flourishing.”

    The Principal Clerk, the Very Rev Dr John Chalmers, said: “It is unfortunate that this report has found its way into the public domain before this year’s volume of Assembly Reports has been published.

    “However, it is important that people are now able to access the full report.

    “It will now be for the Assembly to decide whether it wants to ask the Legal Questions Committee to pursue further research on the matters which would require to be addressed in any new legislation permitting Ministers and Deacons to officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies.

    “If the General Assembly does move in this direction a further report will be heard in 2018.”

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