Claire Mitchell QC to deliver lecture on Witches of Scotland Campaign

Claire Mitchell QC
Claire Mitchell QC will deliver the Glasgow Caledonian University Law and the Common Good Lecture 2022. The lecture will take place on Zoom on Wednesday 23 March at 6pm.
The Law and the Common Good Lecture is supported by The Clark Foundation for Legal Education. It is an annual lecture delivered by a guest speaker who is working for the common good in our communities.
This year, Ms Mitchell will reflect on her journey in the legal profession and her work on the Witches of Scotland Campaign.
She called at the bar in 2003, having been a solicitor in private practice since 1996 and specialises in criminal and human rights law.
She founded the Witches of Scotland Campaign with Zoe Venditozzi. The campaign (launched on International Women’s Day 2020) was established with three aims: to obtain a pardon for those convicted as witches under the Witchcraft Act 1563; to obtain an apology for all those accused; and to obtain a national memorial to remember those killed as witches.
On International Women’s Day 2022, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon issued a formal apology to those people, mostly women, convicted under the Witchcraft Act.
Students, lawyers, and anyone with an interest in law and policy are welcome to attend. Register for the event here.