Conference: How have Scotland’s tribunals adapted to the pandemic?

Conference: How have Scotland’s tribunals adapted to the pandemic?

Lord Carloway

The Lord President, Lord Carloway, and the Deputy President of the Supreme Court, Lord Hodge, will deliver keynote speeches at a half-day virtual conference which will consider how tribunals in Scotland have adapted to the pandemic and how that might inform their future development. This conference is open to all those with an interest in the work of tribunals in Scotland.

Covid-19 has required significant changes to the way in which tribunals, like other parts of the justice system conduct their business. Much of that change has involved an increasing use of virtual technology, both video and telephone. The conference will provide an opportunity for those attending to get an insight into how this change might shape the future as the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland expands, and Tribunals in Scotland generally seek to raise their profile.

The conference will be chaired by the President of Scottish Tribunals, Lord Woolman. In addition to speeches from the Lord President and Lord Hodge, there will be presentations by tribunals judiciary and others on their experience and assessment of conducting business under the constraints imposed by the Covid regulations. There will also be sessions on how the judiciary manage the variety of parties in hearings, and on how the profile and status of Tribunals and their judiciary in Scotland can be raised.

Speakers and panellists in the sessions will include Laura Dunlop QC, President of the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland; Judge Susan Walker, Vice President of Employment Tribunals (Scotland), and from the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland: May Dunsmuir, President of the Health and Education Chamber, Alex Green, President of the General Regulatory Chamber, Aileen Devanny, President of the Housing and Property Chamber.

The core group of invited panellists, including all of those speaking at the conference will be able to see and hear all presentations and discussion and will also be able to contribute orally and be seen on camera.

The wider audience will be able to see and hear all presentations and discussion but will not be visible on camera and will be muted throughout. Attendees will, however, be able to submit questions or comments via the WebEx chat function. These comments will be monitored by a moderator and submitted to the chair of the event to be fed into the discussion as appropriate.

The conference is a morning event (09.00 – 13.00) scheduled for Tuesday 7 September and will be hosted online using the WebEx platform. Those wishing to attend the conference simply need to click here at any time after 08.45 on the morning of 7 September. If asked for a password, please enter: nSZbmvW75b3.

All those attending are asked to submit any personal comments or questions in advance if they wish speakers to consider them as part of the discussion. They should do so by emailing The deadline for submissions is 30 August 2021.

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