Continued growth for Scottish Legal News

The latest available figures for Scottish Legal News show continued growth for SLN with a surge of new users of the website.
Subscribers to the free daily newsletter increased by 144 to 13,420. Twitter followers increased by 145 to 10,838 and LinkedIn increased by 212 followers to 5,698.
But the biggest growth was on the SLN website, which recorded an increase of 9,500 unique visitors, taking the total number of users in September to 68,906.
Managing editor Graham Ogilvy said: “Once again, I’d like to thank our readers and contributors for their support – and also our advertisers who are returning in greater numbers since lockdown.
“I’d also like to thank the comms professionals and PRs who liaise with our team constantly – and a special thanks to the SLN team – Kapil, Connor, Mitchell, Margaret, Jeff and Jimmy for all their efforts during the dark days of lockdown and since.”