COVID-19: Peter Watson appointed to Scottish Police Federation panel

Peter Watson
Professor Peter Watson of PBW Law has been appointed to a panel studying the coronavirus threat for police in Scotland.
Professor Watson is the legal member of the panel tasked with giving specialist advice on the safeguards police require.
Professor Hugh Pennington, emeritus professor of bacteriology at Aberdeen University, and Professor George Crooks OBE, former director of primary care at NHS Grampian are also members of the panel established by the Scottish Police Federation (SPF).
The SPF members are Calum Steele and David Kennedy.
The panel had its first video conference yesterday, where it discussed rules about social distancing and police work as well as the importance of cleaning vehicles and workplaces in addition to threats to officers’ families should they carry the infection home.
Mr Steele, the SPF’s general secretary, said: “The generic health protection advice promoted by the government simply does not take account of the realities of police work.
“We need sector-specific advice that recognises and reflects the often unpredictable and up close and personal nature of policing and this panel will help us secure that.”