Criminal bar hosts enlightening conference on vulnerable witnesses

Some 60 members of the criminal bar enjoyed an enlightening conference which examined the hot topic of vulnerable witnesses.
The Scottish Criminal Bar Association (SCBA) event, in Stirling, was voted a resounding success, receiving reviews of “great”, “fantastic” and “excellent”.
Thomas Ross, president of SCBA, said: “The research suggests that children and other vulnerable witnesses find the process of examination and cross-examination stressful. Accordingly, it is our duty as court practitioners to consider how we might question witnesses in a way that reduces the level of anxiety, while ensuring the accused a fair trial.
“It is very encouraging that so many members of the Scottish Criminal Bar Association embraced that challenge, and devoted Friday evening and much of Saturday exchanging ideas. We clearly have a long way to go but the first steps have been taken. Our association owes a great debt of gratitude to Lord Bonomy, to David Parratt, and to Wendy Hay, who organised the entire event.”
The Faculty of Advocates’ director of training and education, David Parratt, said: “A number of proposals are on the table at present, concerning changes to the criminal court system and how it deals with vulnerable witnesses and those with communication needs.
“This was an important conference for the members of SCBA likely to be affected by any changes, to learn about the proposals, to consider the operation of the system in England and Wales, and to discuss in an open forum the opportunities and challenges which such changes would bring.”